99ADC Awards年度得獎名單《Comfort In Context

The firm’s project "Comfort in Context" was among the winners of the 99th ADC Awards published around the middle of the year. The award is hosted by The One Club for Creativity. The awards are rare and only invite outstanding architects to attend. The organization is committed to raising the standards of commercial art to those traditionally associated with fine art. I am thrilled to share this with all my friends.

事務所作品” Comfort In Context ”在年中發表的第99ADC Awards年度得獎名單內,該獎項由The One Club for Creativity所主導,獎項稀少僅對綜合性得獎人做出會員的邀請,該單位致力於將商業藝術的標準提高到傳統上與美術相關的水平為依歸,在此分享。


The One Club / ADC Annual Awards - Archive of Past Winners