2020 International Architecture Awards以建築結合環境的永續性發展再創佳績!

2020 International Architecture Awards是屬於芝加哥雅典娜博物館的國際建築獎,我個人的設計作品以三個案子參與兩個類別同時分別獲獎,而高雄衛武營國家藝術文化中心由荷蘭建築師Francine Houben執筆的Mecanoo建築事務所也在獲獎名單內,台灣知名國際建築師姚仁喜在2014年以中鋼大樓獲獎,同年也有法國建築師 Vincent Callebaut以台北陶朱隱園該方案類獲獎,這是我至高的榮耀,證明了我對於公司致力往建築結合環境的永續性發展方向是對的。

Regarding the 2020 International Architecture Awards. It belongs to the Chicago Athenaeum Museum. My three personally designed projects, ‘GASEA-The Cliff House’& ‘The Green Isle’& ‘Comfort in Context’, participated in two categories and won awards respectively. The National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts, designed by the architect Francine Houben of Mecanoo Architects in the Netherlands is also on the list of winners. The China Steel Corporation Headquarters, designed by Taiwan’s well-known international architect Kris Yao, also won the award in 2014. The Taipei Tao Zhu Yin Yuan project, designed by French architect Vincent Callebaut, also won in 2014 in the concept category. This is my highest honor and proves that I am right about the company's commitment to the sustainable development direction of architecture and the environment.