羅先生以作品《The Green Isle》於2019 WAF進行演說!

2019 WAF世界建築節(World Architecture Festival Awards)活動於124日在阿姆斯特丹RAI國際會展中心舉行,事務所羅先生今年再次以《碳佐麻里時代園區》(The Green Isle) 作品入圍餐飲空間類,繼前兩年已連續三年獲獎,昨日125日中午羅先生已在現場針對獲獎項目進行演說,為期三天的活動中,世界知名建築師齊聚一堂做經驗的分享與交流。

Participated in the World Architecture Award finalist presentation for the third consecutive year. I thank Crian for working with my colleagues in the office for their assistance. At the 2019 WAF, we were shortlisted for the INSIDE restaurant category. We would also like to thank Mr. Qiu Carbonari for his support!