作品《翡翠森林社區會所》榮獲Architectural Design大獎!

Muse Design Awards事務所繼日前獲得五個鉑金大獎及一個金獎後,昨日該官方網站及Twitter相繼發布年度建築大獎Architectural Design of The Year 2019由本事務所《翡翠森林社區會所》(Green Places Community Clubhouse) 獲得本殊榮,在此分享。

The Muse Design Awards awarded the firm with five platinum awards and one gold award. The official website and twitter account have released the details about the annual architectural awards. The Architectural Design of The Year 2019 was awarded to the firm's Green Places Community Clubhouse.


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Muse Awards
Muse Awards Announced Winners for 2019