賀作品《Greenlight Manor》榮獲WA Awards大獎!

World Architecture Awards世界建築獎相關協會日前宣布今年的獲獎者。來自世界不同的國家設計作品競逐票選,此次競賽共有27個國家知名建築師參與Realised、Designed,並包含青年創作Student等三個類組,評審委員為來自世界各地的榮譽會員和過去獲獎者所組成,每個類別會由評審委員選出最佳10項獲獎作品,事務所在台南優廣建設住宅建築作品《Greenlight Manor》此次在Realised獲獎名單內,這是事務所連續第二年獲獎。
WA Awards是一個全球性平台,旨在鼓勵當代建築設計風格,表彰當代最優秀的建築師及青年設計者,且為全球的建築師、學者和學生提供一個獨特的分享環境平台,以利推動全球建築設計的蓬勃發展。

The World Architecture Awards Association of World Architecture Awards has announced this year's winners. The design works from different countries in the world were contested. There are three categories in this competition, 27 well-known architects participated in Realised (complete project), Designed (concept project), and youth creation students. The jury members are honorary members and past winners from all over the world. The composition, each category will be selected by the jury members of the best 10 award-winning works, the firm in Tainan U-QUALITY of residential building works "Greenlight Manor" this time in the Realised winners list, this is the company's second consecutive year of awards.

The WA Awards is a global platform that encourages contemporary architectural styles, recognizes the best architects and young designers of the world, and provides a unique platform for sharing, environmentally friendly, and globally for architects, scholars and students around the world. The architectural design is booming.


WA Award Winners