韓國Architecture & Culture Magazin_Architect Special發佈

The Korean Architecture & Culture Magazine introduced me, my philosophy and concepts of architectural design in the environment. It was within the theme of "The link between people and the environment" in issue 478 in March 2021. The special totaled 38 pages. The article also lists the projects that are still in progress and the completed architectural projects; reflecting my realization of the relationship between people, architecture and the environment.

韓國Architecture & Culture Magazine202103月份478期刊中以“The link between people and the environment”作為主題,介紹我個人及對於建築設計在環境中的認知與概念做了38頁的專題訪問,當然文中也表列了尚在工作中的案件及完成的建築作品,對照了我實現在對於人與建築跟環境的關係。


March 2021 : vol. 478 | A&C