IIDA Global Excellence Awards 2020 broadcast online

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 IIDA Global Excellence Awards ceremony in Paris held earlier this year was broadcast online. The winners of the competition from all over the world participated in the event. The jury and host were invited to give a brief description of the winning project. I am personally honored to be a winner for the office space project again!

由於COV-19影響了世界上幾乎每個國家,在巴黎舉行的2020IIDA Global Excellence Awards全球卓越獎頒獎典禮今年因為疫情的影響舉行線上直播公布得獎人及頒獎典禮。事前邀請世界各地的優勝者參與直播,而評審團和主持人並針對各項獲獎項目進行案件的講評。很榮幸再次成為辦公空間類別的贏家!